Tuesday, July 5, 2011

You too are beetle, fly, earth and flower

Thousands are eating the body from within,
emitting a smell that they love,
the little ones,
they come flying, laying eggs on the skin,
around the mouth that has kissed, yelled,
tasted and whistled,
the nose that has breathed and smelled,
around the anus that just shat,
they hatch
and lovely larvae enter where I once dwelled.

Some say cessation,
but there is gas, body bloated, liquids pressed out,
perhaps transformation,
flies and beautiful beetles breaking through the mass,
soon only bones left on the ground,
washed by the rain, bleached by the sun,
leaving no stain,
only white bones with green grass around.

Flying in thousands, eating and being eaten,
pollinator, participant in beauty and power,
earth with gas, mineral and water,
never to be beaten,
we are beetle, fly, earth and flower,
smell us, taste us,
we will eat you too, come your hour,
divine that eats and is eaten,
you too are beetle, fly, earth and flower.

Published in Heavy Hands Ink Vol. 5, June 2011.

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